VTDL MISCELLANEOUS: PLATFORM: In South and West directions, platforms higher than the floor level of building, are good for prosperity. Platforms in North or East lower than the floor of main building may give material happiness, but not good if higher than the floor level. STAIR-CASE : Except in North-east, staircase may be built in any comer, depending on the convenience-. South-west staircase is good for health and wealth. If the staircase is in North-east, there should be a room in South-west at a higher level than the stair case roof. If the North-east staircase is higher than South-west portion of the building, native will have health and other problems. BED ROOM: Bed room in South-west is the best to give allround prosperity. Bed rooms in South or West may also make one happy and prosperous. South-east bed room is not so good. One in the North-west is good for guests. North-east corner is not for bed rooms, PUJA ROOM: The puja room should be placed in the North-east corner of the building which will give health and happiness but it should not stop Sun rays entering the house. Small puja place in other rooms also can be placed facing preferably east or north. STORE ROOM: Better if store room is located in South, West and South-west corner, which would give good financial strength. CELLAR : It is better to have cellar in North or East or North-east, which will give prosperity. It is no good to have them in South, West and South-west because it may cause ill-health and loss of money. South-east and North-west cellars also are not advisable. LOFTORATTICK: It is better to keep loft or attick contiguous to south and west walls. COVERING UPTO BOUNDARY WALL: Covering upto boundary on North-east may cause loss of health and wealth. North and East covering also works adversely. Covering North-west and